• Sunday, 21st August, 2022
  • 17:39pm

There have been a lot of scam emails circulating recently claiming to be companies such as VentraIP. These emails usually claim that your payment details are incorrect and you need to update them otherwise they will cancel your domains.

Please always verify emails before taking any action. If payments are required I recommend you log into the website by typing in their URL manually and paying your invoices from there, DO NOT click on the links in emails for payments.

If your domains are registered with Drae Ockenden all emails regarding your domain will be sent from admin@draeockenden.com.au or admin@hosting.draeockenden.com.au and details such as your name, invoice number and amount due will be consistent with that found in your dashboard.

If you have been sent an email claiming to be Drae Ockenden but you are unsure please verify by calling me on 02 5302 5023 or by making a ticket.

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